The day of all the bleeding

The day of all the bleeding
It was a unique case. No one had ever seen anything like it before or since. It turned me into a monster, I terrified everyone who saw me, myself above them all.
It started half a year ago, it must have been now. I was doing all the normal things normal people did. I look back longingly at those days. Anyway, I was documenting whatever i used to document, like the normal office worker I was, until I got a paper cut. A little, Mumnoying cut. It bled like hell. But nothing a plaster couldn't solve. Boy was i was wrong. Minutes later, I felt blood drop onto my leg. The cut had widened, like a crack in the earth caused by an earthquake, stretching past either side of my plaster. And there on the finger next to it, another cut!
I couldn't do nothing about this, so I abandoned my work. My mistake was putting my work away. the five minutes it took was apparently enough for the cuts to widen into a gaping wound, and five more to form. But the blood stopped. I sighed with relief. But it was unusual enough to visit the doctor about. I opened the door and walked out. I lived in a big city, so the road was pretty crowded. It was a nice day, so I decided to walk.
I was halfway to the doctor, when blood started coming out of me again. People screamed as I passed, and ran. Didn't they realize I needed to be helped? That I was more scared then any of them?
I finally reached the doctor, still bleeding. By this point i should have bled to death, but I couldn't really think about it at the time. The doctors was at the top floor, so I entered a lift. But believe it or not, there was so much blood it filled up an elevator. The doctors were obviously astounded at me (by that point, a red, bloody blob), but told me to sit in the waiting room. But obviously that couldn't go unhitched. People slipped in my blood, I saw disgust all over their faces.
The doctor spent a while checking me over (quite a feat, blood crusted as I was) and told me to take a swim in the salty ocean.
So I took a trip to the sea. I bathed in the ocean, ignoring the screams yelled my way. Until I realized it wasn't me being screamed at. My blood was luring some hungry, hungry sharks. They were crazy, and bit everyone.
The doctors tried everything, even crazy things like getting vampires to chase me, fake of course. Until they were out of ideas. They locked me up, changing my cell every often, as it kept filling with blood. But the solution came less than 2 months later.
The doctor that tried to treat me burst into my cell. He told me I was going to be sent to space, where I could bleed as much as I wanted to. Not that I wanted to, though.
It seemed like a pretty extreme solution, but at that point, I was in no place to say no.
So I'm stuck here, forever, eternally bleeding.